If a student misses school, the absence is marked illegal or unexcused (this is marked with an IF-full day or I5-half day). Kindergarten students are considered unexcused (marked with UF-full or U5-half).
A written excuse is necessary to change an absence from illegal to excused. Excuses must be turned in within 3 days from the absence for the illegal/unexcused mark to be changed. Below are the types of acceptable excuses. If a student reaches 3 illegal or unexcused absences it is Bentworth School District’s policy to file a citation with District Justice. It is our intent to work with parents/guardians to prevent this action. Parents/guardians---please check your child’s book bag frequently to be sure the notes you send are turned into the office. You are always welcome to call the school office or school nurse to check on dates of absence. Working together can make our students successful.
Parent Excused
Parents may write excuses for ten days of student absence. These are marked as EF (full day) or E5 (half day) showing “parent excused absence”.
Medical Excuse
If your child has an appointment at a doctor’s office, dental office, a vision exam, physical therapy, a chiropractor visit or counseling appointment etc., please get a written note from that agency. All of these are Medical Excuses. They are marked as MF (full day) and M5 (half day).
Medical excuses can be faxed, mailed or brought to school by you or your child.